Family Therapy
Family therapy brings parents, siblings and extended family members such as aunts, uncles and grandparents into the treatment process. Family plays an important role in our emotional, physical and spiritual development, since each individual in the family system impacts and is impacted by others.
Family therapy may be helpful to resolve a specific issue or prepare the family for a major life change such as divorce or remarriage. For some families, managing their children's disclosure of sexual preference or gender identity problems can be detrimental and lead to discord and conflict.
We can draw many benefits from family therapy. The first and most vital step is to attaining an understanding of how the family functions; identifying strengths and weaknesses within the family system. After learning this, we can set goals and develop strategies to resolve challenges. Teaching and improving communication skills is equally vital to this process.
Family therapy is often combined with other types of mental health treatments, particularly if one or more family members stand to benefit from specialized treatment for issues such as addictions, eating disorders, or other illnesses.